Walking the dog outside in the -6 below cold, snow and ice this morning, I have to wonder what we were thinking.
What were we thinking going from Florida to Hawaii by way of Minnesota?
What were we thinking going from 87 degrees to 87 degrees by way of sub-zero?
Someone in the elevator is wearing licorice cologne. Flight crews are off to their early morning runs. I have on two coats, a Burberry scarf, knit gloves, socks and closed-toe shoes (something I almost never wear), and still I come back from my early morning dog walk nearly frostbitten. A hot bath in the hotel thaws me out.
Sweetie has forgotten what snow and ice are, obviously, despite the cold winter he spent here in Minnesota three years ago. He shakes one paw, and then the next, almost falls through a snowbank, and decides that the most entertaining thing is writing yellow notes in the snow.
What were we thinking?
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