I hear the craziest things in Chinese restaurants. Last night, as we were there rather late, there weren't many tables filled, and I was overhearing conversations at two nearby. Both of them were talking, not surprisingly, about the election.
Table #1, two middle-aged men, probably in their late 60's, apparently single, either widowed or divorced, sharing an evening together:
Man #1, "I don't want that Obama. All he's shown me is that he's a Radical Islamist. I don't care what he says. That's the last thing this country needs."
Man #2, "Oh yeah?"
Man #1, "Yeah. And that Hillary. All she's shown me is that she's Bill Jr." (groan)
Man #2, "Yeah."
Table #2, a couple, probably in their 40's, either married or seriously dating, looked like they could be from any large cosmopolitan city, San Francisco, Miami, New York:
Man, "That Obama really has some trouble with that pastor friend of his. He's done for. No one's gonna stand for that."
Woman, "I hadn't heard. Tell me about it."
Man, "He's saying all sorts of bad things about white people, now Italians and Jews specifically. If anyone had said that about black people, forget it. They're giving him a pass, and I don't know why."
Woman, "That's interesting."
Man, "They might be giving him a pass now, but it won't last. He won't get through November.
"Hey, this is the craziest fortune cookie fortune ever. Everyone in this restaurant, I want you to hear this, because this is the craziest fortune cookie fortune ever. 'Be smart. Order take out.'"
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