Friday, March 21, 2008

The Good Friday Problem

Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, after a long courtship by both Democratic candidates, today breaks his silence and will officially endorse Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States.

There's just one problem, and it's not a small one. Today is Good Friday.

Memo to Obama: Today is Good Friday. You've just lost the Catholic vote. You're likely also risking a segment of the Protestant vote. If you're going to try to salvage your image as a self-professed Christian, cancel your campaign events and pep rallies scheduled on what is for many Christians a day of great solemnity and part of the holiest weekend of the year for most Christians. Positioning a Catholic next to you publicly on this day for anything other than a Good Friday observance does nothing to help you, particularly with the segment of the electorate you hope to persuade by this action.