Friday, February 29, 2008


It seems only fitting that the first time I post on this blog, 
it is about a journey.
There are a million things to capture the imagination at this 
crossroads in history. Political tides are turning. Personal 
fortunes are shuddering. The world that can be in turmoil 
wants to be at rest.
In the middle of this, there is an unexpected beauty. Journeys.  
A 90-second film promoting a company that has never before 
advertised on television in its history, with a brand so intertwined 
with wealth and privilege and world travel it seems completely 
out of place with the common man sitting in front of the television 
worrying about mortgage foreclosure, or the war in Iraq, or the health 
and security of his family.

I am completely captivated by this film masquerading as an 
advertising campaign for Louis Vuitton, because it shows the world 
in which my imagination and my dreams reside. I am entranced 
by its enormous beauty, its sophistication, and its grace, 
all accompanied by the perfectly brilliant guitar of Gustavo Santaolalla.  
It exists simultaneously harmonious and discordant 
in our jagged world.

Maybe it's where we were all the time, and just forgot.

So again, I have to ask myself, as I've done countless times 
for as long as I can remember, "Where will life take you?"